The #FuturePRoof 2 spec is now complete and we're looking for contributors.
The outline is below. If you'd like to write one of the chapters or you think there's a subject we need to cover, please get in touch with editor Sarah Hall at
It's an ambitious production schedule and we'll be strictly adhering to the deadlines. We're asking for submissions by Friday 5th August, with the aim of publishing in early September. Chapters need to be 800-1200 words in length - full details will be supplied to those involved.
We already have a number of authors signed up so if you'd like to join the #FuturePRoof community, please get in contact with a strong pitch to avoid disappointment.
NOTE as of 05/07/16: Many thanks to those who pitched. The response has been overwhelming and we have some great content coming. We're now closing the pitch window unless you can contribute to the chapters still needing authors. Cheers, Sarah
Chapter titles and outline topics
- PR as a management discipline; commanding the respect of the business community and the pitch to employers - Francis Ingham
- Stronger together; closing the gap between theory and practice and the benefits of academic-practitioner engagement - Stephen Waddington
- What #Brexit taught us about the opportunity for public relations; PR's role as strategic lead, making sense of complexity, managing reputation and telling the organisational story - Rob Brown
- Entrepreneurship, social dialogue and public relations; is PR a management discipline with strategic aims or an activist behaviour with social aims? - Ezri Carlebach
- Serving the membership - is it time for the PRCA and CIPR to come together? - Richard Houghton
- A CEO's view of public relations; the value it brings and the weaknesses practitioners still need to address - Matthew Hopkins
- Engaging stakeholders in your organisation's purpose - a radical approach - Sean Trainor
- Human resources; utilising HR in the drive to professionalism, raising standards and closing the gender pay gap - Liz Baines
- Social mobility in PR; a career open to all. Diversity and widening access - Sarah Stimson
- PR as the organisational conscience; PR's role in helping organisations find their place in society, ethics as part of daily practice and the death of CSR - Karan Chadda
- Ethical comms; stories versus facts. Do communicators have a personal responsibility to ensure the public isn't misled? - Stuart Bruce
- Lifelong learning; professionalism, CPD and the changing face of learning - Sally Keith
- Employer branding; the employee journey - Bea Arnoutse
- Employer expectations; beyond formal qualifications and the characteristics of the future employee - Tim Hudson
- Delivering a 24/7 service; introducing an agile model, how to do this and the benefits - Dualta Redmond
- Managing the integration of businesses; merging companies, disciplines and cultures - Ella Minty
- Agile strategy development - Betteke van Ruler
- Out of hours community management; what best practice in social media management and disaster planning looks like - Nathaniel Cassidy
- Insights; audience led communications - Sarah Clark
- Procurement; speaking the language of procurement and building a relationship outside of the marketing team - Tina Fegent
- Client contact; building strong relationships and managing risk (bridging the gap where the main account handler sits outside of the senior team) - Farzana Baduel
- Managing client expectations; solutions for managing financial negotiation and in particular over-servicing - Andrew Reeves
- Staff salaries; handling wage inflation and salary bandings - Steve Earl
- Incentivisation; how to empower employees and increase accountability and personal decision making so they buy into the wider company vision, while also reducing churn - Alicia Mellish
- Company culture; managing always on and stress, middle manager presenteeism, management burn out and mental health - Paul Sutton
- Leadership; how to identify and nurture rising stars, developing the leadership skill set and mentoring others - Flora Wilke and Lucia Dore
- Internal comms; the changing face of internal comms, a potted history and emerging trends - Rachel Miller
- Workflow; tried and tested campaign planning tools, with agency workflow diagram - Frederik Vincx
- Influencer relations; future trends - Scott Guthrie
- Employee engagement; how to use the latest technologies to achieve this - Ciara O'Keeffe
- Video as a communications channel; how corporate comms teams are missing a trick - Dan Slee
- Live streaming tools; the strategic application - Leonardo Stavale
- Public affairs; overhauling public affairs, much needed modernisation - Iain Anderson
- Public consultations; ten steps to success and key learnings - Emily Osborne
- SEO; where it fits with public relations - Darryl Sparey
- Crowdfunding / crowdsourcing campaigns; using these as means of public engagement - Paul Cockerton
- Horizon scanning; the latest emerging industry trends and shifts (AI, health and ad blocking) - Stephen Davies
- Creativity; are practitioners successfully harnessing the power of storytelling and narration? - Andy Green
- Measurement and evaluation; AMEC toolkit and PESO - Richard Bagnall
- The importance of thanks - Dr Nicky Garsten